Services & Fees
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ADE Agency Documentation Fee Exports
This service covers the creation and processing of documents necessary at Origin to complete a shipment i.e. Bill of Lading (B/L), Delivery Order.
ADI Agency Documentation Fee imports
This service covers the creation and processing of documents necessary at Destination to complete a shipment i.e. Bill of Lading (B/L), Delivery Order.
AMF Transport Document Amendment Fee
A fee that covers the additional cost when the carrier is requested to make changes to the Transport Document (B/L). These changes could include: - Consignee Details - Address - Cargo Description. Please note that there might be restrictions on how late in the shipment process the carrier is able to arrange for an amendment, e.g. after the containers related to the Transport Documents (TPDoc) are loaded, or if the import procedures have begun. Not all amendment requests may be feasible.
AMS Automated Manifest System
Automated Manifest System (AMS) is designed by U.S. Customs to facilitate cargo arrival information and release information between the Steam Ship Lines, Airlines and Rail Carriers for shipments destined to or transiting the United States. AMS information works in conjunction with the ABI system to help customs to identify low risk shipments thus allowing for faster, electronic customs clearance.
AWB Air Way Bill Fee
Transport document issued by a carrier for air transportation.
B/L Bill of lading fee
Bill of lading fee
CCD Customs clearance destination
A service offered by the carrier to prepare customs clearance documents and handle formalities on behalf of the customer. The carrier may use 3rd party agents in some locations at Destination . On inter European cargo the service is applicable upon the customer's request and when the customer provides T2L documents.
CCI Container Cleaning Imports
"This fee covers the additional costs for extra or special cleaning at Destination and is applicable when the container does not meet the standard cleanliness criteria upon empty return from the customer. This service of additional cleaning of the container may also be triggered by a customer request. This charge is not applicable to shipper-owned containers. Insert link to Standard Cleanliness Criteria. "
CCO Customs Clearance Origin
A service offered by the carrier to prepare customs clearance documents and handle formalities on behalf of the customer. The carrier may use 3rd party agents in some locations at Origin. On inter European cargo the service is applicable upon the customer's request and when the customer provides T2L documents.
CDP Cargo Dispatch
Rate for the use of the lifting equipment in the terminal to dispatch import or export cargo. Emission of EIR, Exit Passes.
CFS Container Freight Station fee
Container Freight Station fee
CIC Container Imbalance Charge
Container Imbalance Charge
CLE Сontainer сleaning fee
Сontainer сleaning fee
CLL Cancellation Fee
This fee applies to each container in a confirmed booking that does not show for loading, irrespective of deadlines. This fee is also applicable when a customer 1) reduces the number of containers in a booking, 2) moves or transfers containers to another vessel, 3) cancels the booking, 4) does not take any action and the container simply does not show for the vessel.
CUS Customs clearance
Customs clearance
DDF Documentation Fee - Destination
This service covers the creation and processing of all standard transport documents (Delivery Order).
D/O Delivery Order
Delivery Order
Docs EXW
DTHC Destination Terminal Handling Charge
This service covers the cost of the handling of a container at the destination port or terminal. This service is applicable to all shipments.
EDD Submission of Cargo Declaration - Export
A service of submitting Export Data Declaration (EDD) services to local Customs on behalf of the customer. The carrier liaises between Customs and the customer to arrange submission of necessary documents within the specified time frame. EDD is not applicable to transit cargo, transhipment cargo, or freight remaining on board (FROB), even though the carrier is still required to submit a manifest to local authorities.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange Fee
Electronic Data Interchange Fee
EIR Equipment Interchange receipt
Equipment Interchange receipt
ENS Entry Summary Declaration
From 1 January 2011, all cargo entering the European Union will require that an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) is submitted at least 24 hours prior to loading. The primary purpose is to risk assess cargo before it arrives in the EU. |
ERI Ecological and Radiological Service
Service of arranging an ecological and/or radiological inspection based on customer request and/or regulatory requirements in some countries. This service is applicable based on the customer’s request for the service, however, in some locations it could be a mandatory charge. More Information can be found on the Local country pages for import/export regulations. Will be expired effective from 01-Jan-2016
EXA Examination Service
A service where the carrier arranges a relevant examination of a container, e.g. VACIS/X-ray/scanner. The service is applied based on: - Customer request; - Customs/security and/or Government regulations; - The type of cargo where certain commodities are required to be examined; - Country regulations that require examination. The carrier liaises with the correct authority (e.g. US Customs) to arrange for the examinations if and when they are required and obtains costs for same.
EXP Export Service
This service covers the provision and administration of export services such as, but not limited to, equipment release, arrangement of pick-up and drop-off, and handling notifications.
FFC Forwarder Commission - Origin
Payment by the carrier to the export freight forwarder and/or the custom's house broker for doing business with the carrier. Applicable where outward forwarder compensation is market practice and when a freight forwarder has been used for a shipment to perform forwarding services on behalf of the customer.
FIF Flexitank IF
Flexitank Installation Fee
FUM Fumigation Service
The service of fumigating /de-fumigating cargo when requested by the customer or when it is a legal requirement. Written confirmation that fumigation/de-fumigation has been performed is provided to the customer via their preferred communication method.
GSC Genset charge
Charge for applying genset diesel generator for inland haulage for reefer containers
HBL House Transport Document Service
A service provided by the carrier to perform additional administration when a forwarder issues a House Bill of Lading. More specifically, the carrier will issue an Original Bill of Lading (B/L)/Transport Document (TPDOC) based on the House Bill of Lading documentation provided by the forwarder. In addition, if applicable the carrier will file the actual details with the US Customs.
HDL Lift On Lift Off Service
A service provided by the carrier in which the container is lifted on or off the trailer/chassis at the port or at the carriers controlled storage yard. This then allows our customers to perform their own container haulage. This service is applicable based upon the customer's request and dependent on the carrier's operational feasibility to perform the service.
IHW Inland Haulage Container Weighing
The service of moving a container to a weigh station to establish the weight of the container upon the customer’s request. This service is applied in various reasons: - upon the request of the customer; - operational necessity to verify the actual weight of the container to meet Health, Safety and Legal requirements; - the carrier spot checks the weight of containers to verify the declared cargo weight on a Transport Document (B/L).
IMP Import Service
This service covers the provision and administration of import services such as, but not limited to, equipment release, arrangement of pick-up, drop-off and handling notifications.
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code charge
MBF Manual Booking Fee
A fee which covers the additional administration required by the carrier to process booking instructions received via non e-channel. These are known as manual bookings. Manual bookings are: fax, e-mail, posted mail, and telephone. This fee will be applied in addition to the standard ODF/DDF charges when a customer makes a booking via manual booking channels.
NSF No Show Fee
This fee applies to each container in a confirmed booking that does not show for loading at the agreed deadline. This fee is also applicable when a customer 1) reduces the number of containers in a booking, 2) moves or transfers containers to another vessel, 3) cancels booking, 4) does not take any action and the container simply does not show for the vessel.
ODF Documentation Fee - Origin
This service covers the creation and processing of all standard transport documents (e.g. Bill of Lading).
OTHC Original Terminal Handling Charge
This service covers the cost of handling a container at the origin port or terminal. This service is applicable to all shipments.
PAE Port Additionals / Port Dues - Export
A pass through service that covers miscellaneous port expenses paid by the carrier and then billed to the customer. The carrier is familiar with the port authorities requirements, which can save the customer both time and inconvenience, if they should arrange payment themselves. This service is applies to all shipments as part of standard procedures
PAI Port Additionals / Port Dues - Import
PAI A pass through service that covers miscellaneous port expenses paid by the carrier and then billed to the customer. The carrier is familiar with the port authorities requirements, which can save the customer both time and inconvenience if they should arrange payment themselves. This service applies to all shipments as part of standard procedures.
PCF Port Construction fee
Approved by local government authority in China
PHY Phytosanitary Certificate Service
A service whereby the Carrier facilitates the government authenticated certification on behalf of the customer upon request. The certification confirms that the transported fruit and/or vegetables comply with specific health requirements. This service is applied based upon the customer's request.
PIO Pick-Up/Drop-Off Service
A service provided by the carrier to allow the pick-up or drop-off of empty containers at an alternate container depot than the one stated on the Bill of Lading is Place of Receipt / Place of Delivery, where merchant haulage is involved. The service is applied upon request from the customer and when it is operationally feasible for the carrier.
PTI Pre-Trip Inspection Service
A service arranged by the carrier to have a technician perform an extra check on temperature controlled containers to ensure that the unit is functional and ready to transport commodities at the required temperature settings. The inspection is performed before release of the empty container. This service is applied upon the customer’s request and/or to certain types of commodities where it is mandatory to be applied in order to permit transport of the shipment.
RFM Reefer Monitoring / Plug-in Service
A service provided by the carrier to monitor temperature controlled shipments, including verification of temperature settings and checking for equipment malfunctions. This service is applied whenever an operating reefer is in use for a temperature controlled shipment.
SPC Container Stuffing / Stripping Service
A service offered to the customer in which the carrier performs stripping (cargo unloading) or stuffing (cargo loading) of the customer’s container at the port area. This service is applied based upon the customer request.
SS Security Surcharge
Surchage, taken by the carrier for specific types of cargoes
T1D T1 Documentation Fee
This fee is applied to cover the costs related to issuing T1 documents. T1 documents are required for European Union tax regulations when transporting non-community goods between two locations in the EU Customs area. This fee is applicable for all European Union shipments and allows taxes to be suspended until the cargo reaches its final destination.
TAX Government and Port Tax Service
The carrier pays tax on behalf of the customer to the local authorities and the related cost is charged to the customer. This charge is controlled by the local regulations and will be added to the booking in the relevant ports according to the market practice.
TCE Temporary Customs Service- Export
A service in which the carrier pays the charges for temporary customs clearance of the container (not cargo) on the customer’s behalf and the related costs are then passed onto the customer. This service is applicable upon the customer’s request.
TCI Temporary Customs Service- Import
A service in which the carrier pays the charges for temporary customs clearance of the container (not cargo) on the customer’s behalf and the related costs are then passed onto the customer. This service is applicable upon the customer’s request.
TLX Electronic Cargo Release Service
This service is also known as a 'Telex' or 'Express' release and allows the cargo to be released at destination upon proof of identity of the receiver as consignee, provided all 3 original B/L's have been surrendered by the consignee, or an authorized agent of the consignee, at another carrier’s office location. In order to allow this all 3 original B/L's must be surrendered at another carrier’s office location (not the discharge port). The carrier will add this service to the shipment, once the B/L's have been surrendered. This service is applied upon the customer's request. Expired w.e.f. 31-Aug-2015 Effective from 01-Sep-2015 the New codes are TLE – Electronic Cargo Release Service - Export TLI – Electronic Cargo Release Service - Import
ULE Agency Logistics fee export
A port agency fee that covers work within the port facility, including, but not limited to: vessel clearance, filings with customs, survey reports and work with other authorities, terminal fees etc. The fee is paid by the carrier on behalf of the customer and the related fee is passed on to the customer at Origin. This fee is applicable to all shipments.
ULI Agency Logistic Fee Import
A port agency fee that covers work within the port facility, including, but not limited to: vessel clearance, filings with customs, survey reports and work with other authorities, terminal fees etc. The fee is paid by the carrier on behalf of the customer and the related fee is passed on to the customer at Destination. This fee is applicable to all shipments.
VAT Value Added Tax
The carrier pays Value Added Tax (VAT) to local authorities, and this cost is charged to the customer. Applicable to all shipments where VAT payment is a market practice
VET Veterinary Certificate Service
A service of the carrier to facilitate veterinary inspection on behalf of the customer upon request, for containers that move to inland destinations and contain cargo of animal origin. Due to frequency of this standard procedure, Maersk Line is familiar with the requirements, and this can save the customer both time and inconvenience. The VET inspection is applicable in all European ports and is a regulatory requirement for import cargo to the European Union.
VGM Verified Gross Mass
Verified Gross Mass
WDF Weight Discrepancy Fee
This fee is applied when the actual weight of a container gated into the terminal differs from the declared weight in the documentation. The charge covers administrative amendments, as well as changes in handling and chassis requirements. The fee will be applied retroactively, once the carrier has been advised by either the terminal or the intermodal service provider that a discrepancy has been identified.
X-ray fee X-ray fee
X-ray fee